Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Challenges of the “Real” and Depth in Maus Essay

The Postmodernist movement begun after World War II in which, high and low culture are questionable in the view of society and Art. The postmodernist movement in literature creates a new set of ideals for fiction, such as the metafiction, the fable like representation in novels, the pastiche, irony, and satire. Fredric Jameson speaks about the movement and its theory in his essay â€Å"Postmodernism and Consumer Society†. He questions postmodernism in society as it creates the new societal norm of popular culture. On the other hand, Jean Baudrillard analyzes the simulacra of postmodernism in â€Å"The Precession of Simulacra†. Baudrillard speaks of the â€Å"truth† and â€Å"reality† also as a questionable representation for the reader. Yet, both critics†¦show more content†¦The authoritative viewpoint symbolizes the reliable and the unreliable narrator, which shows the difference between the â€Å"truth† and the â€Å"false† (1558) in a postmodernist fiction. With this said, the true/reliable point of view in a postmodernist text is an â€Å"immense fragmentation and privatization of modern literature-its explosion into a host of a distinct private styles and mannerism-foreshadows deeper and more general tendencies in social life as a whole† (Jameson 1849). It is normal for a postmodern text to have a hidden viewpoint as it creates the complexity of the narrative, and portrays depth within the fiction. Art Spiegelman’s Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began† presents itself as having an authoritative point of view on page 25, with the split panels depicting the present and past. On the left side panel, we have the present illustrating Vladek and Art’s relationship and the retelling of Vladek’s journey of survival in the Holocaust. However, on the right side we have the depiction of the concentration camp through Vladek’s accounts (Spiegelman 25). The break of the panels sh ows the present relationship of father and son contrast to the loneliness of Vladek in the past during hard times. Erin McGlothlin expresses the importance of the break of panel through the aspect of authoritative viewpoint as a â€Å"†¦visual†¦to signify the abrupt chasm between the past and present (a young, emaciatedShow MoreRelatedFACEBOOK case study Essay11495 Words   |  46 Pageswhite Apple icons arrayed throughout the auditorium. These images very briefly reminded him of his mentor, the late Steve Jobs, who played a significant role in his professional development and his company’s success. Even some of Facebook’s current challenges were brought about by Jobs’ revolution of the mobile industry. Today, Zuckerberg would attempt to engage an audience with a new product in a manner similar to Jobs’ flashy introductions of new innovations. Zuckerberg opened with a review of Facebook’sRead MoreDuchess Of Malf Open Learn10864 Words   |  44 Pagesï » ¿John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi Introduction 3 Learning outcomes 3 Background 3 Description 4 Act 1: setting the scene 5 Courts ideal and real 5 Discussion 5 Description 8 Bosola the malcontent 8 Discussion 9 Marriage for love: family opposition 10 Discussion 10 Love and marriage: Antonio the steward 13 Discussion 14 Love and marriage: the Duchess 15 Description 16 Description 17 Discussion 19 Act 2: discovery 21 Ferdinand 21 Discussion 22 Conclusion 24 References 24 Further reading 25 Next

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