Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Environment As A Single Entity - 1390 Words

The environment was defined by Duncan (1972) as the relevant physical and social factors outside the boundary of an organization that are taken into consideration during organizational decision- making. Initial research treated the environment as a single entity. 1 Recent studies have decomposed the environment into sectors, each of which may have distinct influence on policy-making and organizational actions. 2 In today’s new business economy, starting a bookshop business, will require much more than hope, traditional thinking and planning, when it comes to addressing the opportunities, ongoing challenges, and uncertainties of business ownership and operations. It will require a commitment shift towards higher performance expectations,†¦show more content†¦5 Using this 21st century viewpoint and perspective, this essay will examine how the major business elements of an organisations general environment, consisting of economic, sociocultural, political-legal, technological and natural environment conditions, can influence the bookshops business aspirations, operations and activities. We will begin by taking a look at our bookshop and how it is placed as a business, in the context of today’s new economy and then look at each of the elements individually. Technological conditions Bookshops have traditionally provided information and media content to people, through books, journals, magazines and other printed media, and in today’s rapidly evolving economy, that same information and media content, can now be streamed across the internet, digitally shared and downloaded at speed, at any time, from anywhere in the world, across multiple media channels and devices. ‘Developments in information and communication technology ICT are providing new solutions in different fields of society. The conditions for the media sector are changing and ICT is part of the reason for this. Traditional ways of providing and consuming media content are being

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Culture and Development - 614 Words

Culture and Development Paper Tiffany Arthur EDU/305 University of Phoenix Instructor Cari Cephus April 9, 2012 Culture and Development Paper In today’s world, there are many different cultures. Culture is part of an infant/child’s development. The infant/child’s culture helps them develop into who they become when they are adults. A person’s culture has influence on their eating, sleeping, and everyday activities. In this paper, the factors that make up a person’s culture, how the culture influences infant and toddler development, and whether nature or nurture has a stronger influence will be discussed. There are many factors that make up a person’s culture. Culture is not just a person’s race or ethnicity. Some factors†¦show more content†¦In the United States an infant usually sleeps alone by the time they are only a few months old while in other countries the infant sleeps with their mother until the time when they are toddlers. (McNulty, 2003) I believe that nature and nurture both are equally important and influential on an infa nt and toddler’s development. I believe that both play equally because it is nature that determines an infant’s genetic factors such as eye color, hair color, shape of their nose, their height just to name a few. Nature also determines an infant’s susceptibility to certain diseases. Nurture plays just as important role in infant development. If a child is shown love and support they will be more than likely to grow up treating other individuals the same way. How a child is nurtured is how the child’s personality is going to be, in my opinion. If a child is grown up around arguing and fighting, then that child has a more chance of growing up thinking that is the way people are supposed to be treated. As stated in this paper, culture and development go hand in hand with each other when pertaining to an infant or toddler. It is important to show children that they are cared for and loved. It is also important for the child to know that they do have choices i n life. Reference McNulty, J. (2003, March 24) New book shows how culture shapes human development. Retrieved from Zion, S.,Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture and the Development of Organizational Culture3429 Words   |  14 PagesORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 1. INTRODUCTION One of the significant elements while discussing about organization development is to discuss its own existing culture as the culture itself is part of organization behavior that gives significant role in shaping organizational sustainability. Above all there is a need to recognize the right culture for any organization to achieve excellence. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

APA format Free Essays

APA format Free Essays Due to follow a guide for citation and assignment paper, the American Psychological Association PAP) style created a gulled for academic format specified In â€Å"Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association† In July 2009. (American Psychological Association, 2014). So probably you’ll wonder why and how it is useful. We will write a custom essay sample on APA format or any similar topic only for you Order Now PAP format basically help you to do a better research and provide a good list of reference avoiding copyright issues and/or plagiarism. Besides, paraphrasing can be use, but only with citation in the text, since you haven’t do the research directly, just taking it from the source, giving credit to the original author. Furthermore, for school/college/ university paper work evaluate your ability to collect Information to build up your work. For Instance, a research for having a good Idea, and be able to support It with source, is equivalent a good work. As it was mention before, it will give the document a specific format in which help everything to be in order and at the same time to provide a professional look. General rules are to be written in 12-point size Times New Roman. For the title, don’t underline or bold it. Double-space with uniform margins of 1 In (2. 54 CM). Hanging indents at the reference list (starts on a new page ND also arrange sources In alphabetical order with only the author’s given name (not full name) with space between Initials. Provide the year of publication edition number, place of publication, publisher name, and the page. For web pages, include the day it is retrieved. In addition, capitalize only the first letter of first word in a title, and italicize the title. (BBC The Library, 2014) Provide number of pages at the top right header of the page, and at the left size the title. (Lecher C. M. , E. A. Singer, American Psychological Association. 2008). In order to gain a complete understanding of PAP format, It Is necessary to read the gulled provide In books or even at Google, following the examples provided and avoiding the mistakes. How to cite APA format, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Food Safety Program

Question: Discuss about theFood Safety Program. Answer: Introduction The mandatory safety programs today are required for the food and agriculture organization of the United Nation that provide possibly hazardous foods to the vulnerable person. The requirement for obtaining a required food and safety programs was gazette since part of the national Food Safety standards returned in October 2006 (Carolan, 2016). The Food and Agriculture possesses one and half years to build as well as apply a safety plan. The agriculture industry continues to be possibly already been recognized as an excellent food safety threat to the consumers especially from the risk of hazardous products of chemicals used for agriculture purposes. The standards safety codes entails organization to develop a safety program to control hazards like chemicals, biological, and those result from the bacteria, viruses and parasites which may find space to the food substances sold in the market. The food legislation requires the organization to implement on the food safety programs (Carolan , 2016). These programs will have components such since prospective food security risks, the food handling operation on the threat as well as the way of the control, existence of the monitoring of deal with and the corrective action in case the hazard is identified (Zhang, Zeiss Geng, 2015). Furthermore , there is need to have a consistent evaluation of the plan to be able to make sure on the adequacy , along with a record keeping to display on activity gone on or even the conformity with the plan . The food safety program are developed for the person business, on the operation of the organization and the resulting of the food safety hazard. Food Services Details On the food, safety audit has been done on a variety of food in a busy market environment where there a number of food items that are sold (Winter Jara, 2015). The scope of this environment will help to provide a wide view of different food products in regards to the food safety is concerned. Potential Food Safety Hazards The following are the prospective dangers that happened during the actions in the facilities of the food procedure. The hazards may be grouped since both biological, physical or chemical. Biological risks involves use of the poisoning microbes for instance the bacteria, viruses or perhaps the parasites (Nielsen, 2014). They are the most crucial food safety hazards simply because the microbes they may be no detectible conveniently , they may be widely found which enable it to move via the animals , raw produce or maybe humans . The physical hazards are not for the intake still are available in the meals (Nielsen, 2014). They are of great concern because of they may initiate the biological hazards , they as well might lead to the physical problems for the customer for example the metal , glass , wood , and soil . Process Flow Diagram The purpose of the flow diagram is to identify on the key activities of the food operation. Moreover, it acts as the roadmap for the formulation of where the safety hazards and the controls could occur (Pedersen, Gorzkowska-Sobas, Gerevini, Prugger, Belenguer, Maletti Davidson, 2016). The following charts explain the process of identifying the food operation in the market environment. The figure above elaborate on how the foodare supplied from the market, purchasing and the entire process the food passes. The fundamentals of food handling The fundamentals of the food handling applies on all the activities of safe food production. The components that are followed as follows: Time and Temperature There is need to control the potentially hazardous food which should be controlled on the process of production from the receipt to the serving to the customers (Lammie Hughes, 2016). There is need to obtain a potentially hazardous food, at five degree or perhaps below except if the temperature and the time taken out, to transport probably would not impact the safety of the foods. One should check that the fridge are operating effectively at around five degree below or below and the heating of the equipment operate at 60 degree or above (Koutsoumanis Gougouli, 2015). The potentially hazardous food should be minimize through refrigerating, preparation of small batches, thawing or perhaps cooling by dividing into the shallow containers or the use of the control room. The total time between 5-60 degrees Action If less than two hours There should be refrigeration immediately Between the period of 2-4 hours Use immediately More than four hours Throw out Good Handling Practices The cross contamination could occur when the viruses and the bacteria are transferred from one food to another. If these items comes to the contact with the ready food, they are transferred. The chances of contamination usually occurs mostly when food is being handled (Karaman, ,Cobanoglu, Tunalioglu Ova, 2012). Some of the ways to avoid contamination are clean and sanitize equipments and the services according to the cleaning schedule that is set. Secondly, use of the equipment and the containers that could be easy and effective to be cleaned, and store the food off the floor. Support Programs The food handlers as well as the supervisors of handling the food need to possess each skills and knowledge in the safety and food hygiene aspects to execute their actions. Numerous strategies, which can be adopted to offer the food handlers with skills and the knowledge in the production of the food, are safe (Havinga, 2015). Some of these approaches are the in house training of the staff, distribution off the food and safety information, the establishment of the internal policies and the procedures, which are able to provide information in, regards to the food handlers and the supervisor responsibilities (Havinga, 2015). Moreover, there is need to keep a food handler skills and the knowledge register in order to demonstrate to the auditor that the food handlers have the skills and the knowledge required. Purchasing Foods The food safety risks when purchasing of the foods could be reduced significantly when one buys from a reputable suppliers who can be expected to supply safe and products that are suitable. Moreover, the individuals who supply should comply with the government food regulations to reduce the aspect of hazardous foods in the market (Damron, 2013). The organization should consider on their supplier list food suppliers that are consistent supplying safe food. If the suppliers were listed, they would assist the facility to be able to maintain a consistency when they are purchasing the food and building on the confidence that the suppliers could provide the safe food. Control The control program prevent, get rid of as well as lessen the food safety hazard to level that is appropriate. The controls usually are the extension of the needs of the food managing essentials. They normally are involves decrease of the safety hazards via time along with the temperature controls of the hazardous foods , the maintenance of the good foods handler healthiness sanitation as well as following the ideal food managing practices (Carolan, 2016). Each stage carries a control, the monitoring, as well as the corrective measures. Monitoring on the Controls This entails regular checking that the controls are effective. The aspect of monitoring has four components that must be met. What: this aspect entails that the facility need to determine what the program will monitor. For this program, it measures on the food handling procedure in the market environment, the staff compliance with the fundamentals of the food handling, and the physical appearances of the food, which is received (Carolan, 2016). When: this aspect determines on how the monitoring would be carried out. On this case, the control measure is effective. This is because each of the facility varies and the business has various levels of the risk and the tolerance. Who: there is need to determine who will undertake the monitoring process. In the safety program, the managers are the ones responsible for the development, maintenance, and the review of the safety program. How: this entails how the monitoring should be carried out. One of the aspect to use is the measuring of the sample food deliveries, through an internal assessment (Carolan, 2016). There is need to carry the assessment to ensure they are appropriate to adopt and if there are amendments or any other additions are required the information is entered to the appropriate control. References Carolan, M. (2016). The sociology of food and agriculture. Routledge. Damron, W. S. (2013). Introduction to animal science: global, biological, social, and industry perspectives (No. SF61. D36 2013). Havinga, T. (2015). Retail Driven Food Safety Regulation. In Food Safety, Market Organization, Trade and Development (pp. 59-76). Springer International Publishing. Karaman, A. D., Cobanoglu, F., Tunalioglu, R., Ova, G. (2012). Barriers and benefits of the implementation of food safety management systems among the Turkish dairy industry: A case study. Food Control, 25(2), 732-739. Koutsoumanis, K. P., Gougouli, M. (2015). Use of Time Temperature Integrators in food safety management. Trends in Food Science Technology, 43(2), 236-244. Lammie, S. L., Hughes, J. M. (2016). Antimicrobial resistance, food safety, and one health:the need for convergence. Annual review of food science and technology, 7, 287-312. Pedersen, B., Gorzkowska-Sobas, A. A., Gerevini, M., Prugger, R., Belenguer, J., Maletti, M., ... Davidson, R. K. (2016). Protecting our food: Can standard food safety analysis detect adulteration of food products with selected chemical agents?. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Nielsen, S. (Ed.). (2014). Food analysis. Springer Science Business Media. Winter, C. K., Jara, E. A. (2015). Pesticide food safety standards as companions to tolerances and maximum residue limits. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11), 2358-2364. Zhang, M., Zeiss, M. R., Geng, S. (2015). Agricultural pesticide use and food safety:California's model. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11), 2340-2357.